Our Services
RNS Hosting offers numerous services that can suit all your needs, here is a list of the services we currently offer:
Game Server Hosting
We can host servers for multiple games ranging from Minecraft to Garry's Mod and much more!
VoIP and Bots
Along with game servers, we can also host TS3 VoIP servers and integrate our servers with discord bots, bringing you direct information straight to your discord server.
Want more information?
Contact us on our discord server with the "Support" button above! Over there you can find out more about our services as well as information about custom price plans for your server with support whenever you need it!
Custom price plans
Our servers are flexible, allowing you to choose how much ram and storage you want. All of our plans aren't locked in a contract so you can exit whenever you'd like (not that anyone would want to)! You may also get a custom hostname for players to connect with.
(e.g yournamehere.rnshosting.xyz rather than apollo.rnshosting.xyz)
RNS Hosting's goal
What we want to give you is good, reliable hosting at great prices that anyone could afford. Your pocket size shouldn't restrict you from having fun with your friends online. So why wait?